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Supportive Care Visits for Cancer Patients

Supportive care stems from St. Luke's Cancer Institute's philosophy of caring for the whole person, beyond their disease. Our team focuses on improving quality of life for you and your family by reducing the physical and emotional burdens of cancer.

Led by nurse practitioners, and including oncology nurses, social workers, pharmacists, dietitians, and physical therapists, the team coordinates with your oncologist to provide treatment and side effect symptom management, counseling, education, and advanced care planning. 

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship and American Cancer Society recommend starting supportive care near diagnosis and incorporating it throughout your treatment course and cancer experience, including survivorship.


Symptom Management

  • Management of pain, fatigue, constipation, weight loss, weakness, shortness of breath, and difficulty sleeping 
  • Help with mental or emotional symptoms such as confusion, depression, and anxiety
  • Integrative medicine referrals for acupuncture, massage, and yoga and movement classes.

Supportive Counseling and Education

  • Assessment of social, emotional, and mental health needs
  • Nutritional and functional status evaluation
  • Survivorship care planning
  • Specialty referrals to spiritual care and local support groups and resources

Advanced Care Planning

  • Assistance and support for patients and families to cope with the issues and uncertainty that come with a cancer diagnosis
    • This may include the possibility of disease progression or recurrence, and making your wishes known in advance through a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.

Make a Supportive Care Appointment

These visits are billed just like your other clinic visits. If you have questions or concerns about coverage for these services, please call (208) 381-2724.

To request a referral, talk with your oncologist or nurse or call (208) 381-2790 for more information.