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Psychiatry for Cancer Patients

Navigating the emotional impact of cancer can be challenging for patients, caregivers, and families. You may be facing a wide range of concerns as you cope with your diagnosis and treatment. Fortunately, you don't have to manage these burdens alone.

The psychiatric oncology team at St. Luke's Cancer Institute works closely with you and your loved ones to provide support throughout your cancer journey and improve your quality of life.

Feelings You May Experience

  • So overwhelmed you panic 
  • So sad you don’t want to go through treatment
  • Angry and irritable 
  • Unable to cope with pain, fatigue, or nausea
  • Guilty, worthless, useless, hopeless, or helpless 
  • Unable to stop thinking about cancer and/or dying 
  • Less enjoyment of activities

Easing Your Distress

We’ll be by your side to offer help that ranges from counseling to managing your medicines. We’ll help you:

  • Feel less anxious and uncertain 
  • Manage sleep problems, fatigue, and nausea
  • Deal with mood changes
  • Cope with changes in your body 
  • Communicate with family and friends

Making an Appointment

For a referral, please speak with your oncologist.