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Classes and Events

Breastfeeding Plan for Success: Boise

  • Next Date & Time

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    Tuesday, Aug 06, 2024 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m.
  • Venue & Location

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    (South Tower, Anderson Center 5th Floor)
    101 W. Bannock Street (Parking Garage)
    Boise, ID 83702
  • Fee & Registration

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    $15.00, Registration Required


This class is designed for expectant parents and helps you and your partner prepare physically and emotionally for breastfeeding. 

We’ll build your confidence by offering support for getting started, as well as solutions for common problems and advice on family adjustments and nutrition.





Registration is required and a full payment must be made at the time of registration. Please note that if there are less than 5 people enrolled in the class, the class may be cancelled. You will be notified before the class if this occurs. No refunds are given for this class, unless it is cancelled by us or a medical condition prevents you from attending class. Otherwise, you may transfer to another class within six months of the original class date.

If you are a St. Luke's employee, please do not register online. To get your employee discount, call St. Luke's Connect at (208) 381-9000 to register. No refunds will be issued if you continue to register online.

Registration Instructions

Please have your spouse, partner, or other support person who will be with you during your labor and delivery, as well as an infant-sized doll or stuffed animal and an infant blanket. Participants, guests and facilitators are asked to use hand sanitizer when entering the classroom and after returning from break. Food and beverages will not be provided. Personal snacks and drinks may brought and enjoyed on breaks.

Register Online | Call to register or for more information: (208) 381-9000

Special Instructions

The information provided in our Birth and Parenting classes is designed for general educational purposes only.

Coming Together

Coming Together

In-person have guidelines intended to help keep us all safe and healthy.

1. Registration is required. Registration will help us manage class sizes, which must not exceed room capacity. Please mention any accompanying family or support people in your registration.

2. Masks are optional.

3. Everyone will need to use hand sanitizer when entering the classroom and after returning from any breaks.

4. We no longer offer food or beverages. You may bring your own snacks and drinks to be enjoyed on breaks away from the classroom. We encourage you to take them outside and away from others if possible.

Is Your Family in Need of Extra Support?

  • Crying Baby Plan

    All babies cry, some more than others. What can you do? Plan ahead. Learn how to stay calm, check your baby's basic needs, and create a crying plan for when you're feeling overwhelmed.