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Parent Mentor Program

The parent mentor program at St. Luke's Children's is a family-centered care service. It matches parents of children being cared for at St. Luke’s Children’s with parents mentors who have been through similar experiences. These mentors are effective managers of their own child’s health care. They are trained to provide support, modeling, suggestions, and validation to parents who are building their own partnerships with their child’s health care team.

Mentors may talk with families about:

  • Partnering with their child’s medical care team, personal styles of communication, obtaining information, asking questions, and navigating the hospital system
  • Coordinating family life during hospitalization
  • Normalizing family life after hospital discharge
  • Managing medical requirements and personal coping strategies
  • Helping their child with medical appointments and procedures
  • Parenting tips

Parent mentors are available to offer support in person, by telephone, or through email. If you're interested in talking with a parent mentor, call (208) 706-6487 or send us an email.

Meet Our Parent Mentors

We are extremely grateful to these compassionate parent mentors, who will share their knowledge and experience to help your family and child.

You are not alone. 

Caring for a child with complex medical needs can be complicated and overwhelming. Support from someone navigating similar challenges can make all the difference.

Connect with a parent mentor today! Call (208) 706-6487 or send us an email.