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Make a Gift of Stock

St. Luke’s is pleased to offer these general instructions for making a gift of stock to the St. Luke’s Foundation. If you have any questions or need assistance with specific language, please contact Christen Wilmer, Director of Major and Planned Gifts, at (208) 505-2981 or

Stock held in “street name”

1. Contact your broker and ask him or her to transfer the securities to the UBS Financial Services office in Boise using the following detail and the St. Luke's Foundation Transfer of Stock letter.

  • St. Luke’s Boise/Meridian Medical Center #8B-09488-SD
  • DTC 0221 
    UBS Financial Services, Inc. 
    1161 W. River St. Ste. 340
    Boise, ID 83702 

  • The securities are transferred electronically from the donor's securities firm to St. Luke's securities firm using the DTC Clearing Number 0221.
  • Be sure to specify the exact date on which you wish the securities transferred to the St. Luke’s Foundation account.

  • 2. Call St. Luke's Health Foundation at (208) 381-2123 and indicate the following:

  • The name and city of your brokerage firm 
  • The stocks being transferred
  • The date of the transfer

  • The date of transfer is the date of your gift. The value of the gift is determined by multiplying the number of shares times the mean between the high and low as traded over-the-counter (per IRS regulations). St. Luke’s Health Foundation’s policy is to sell the securities received as gifts upon receipt (within five business days maximum). 

    Stock (securities) held personally, i.e., securities registered in an individual’s name

    Please work directly with St. Luke's Health Foundation staff to assure proper delivery and valuation. We'll send you a letter with the exact value of the gift so you’ll have this information for your tax records.